We have parent-teacher meetings organised to take place next week.
For those parents or guardians who opted for in-person meetings:
The meetings will be released via Aladdin Connect to families of three or more pupils at 6 pm today, 12th November, families of two pupils at 9am tomorrow 13th November, and parents of one pupil tomorrow at 11:30am.
To book your meeting, please log on to Connect and click on the Parent Teacher Meeting option on your home page. Please note that there is one slot per student, so only one parent can book a meeting for each student.
If your child attends Learning Support you can also book an appointment with the support teacher if you like, ensuring you choose a different time slot.
For those who opted for phone meetings, please follow the guidance given by the class teacher in regard to arranging these calls.
Attached find a quick guide
We look forward to meeting with you