6th Class Room 32 took part in a very special lesson as part of Maths Week.
On Monday morning we were visited by Eoin Gill, organiser of Maths Week, who taught us all about budgets. As part of the lesson our class prioritised six areas, to which we would allocate our money. During this part of the lesson, we had a visit from Minister Jack Chambers, the Minister for Finance. We were very grateful that he had taken time out of his busy schedule to come and visit us here in St. Brigid's. He shook hands with every student and asked us why we had chosen our specific areas. Our areas were: healthcare, education, social welfare, housing and transport, security, sport and recreation.
Our class were thrilled to have been able to take part in this lesson and we were so grateful to everyone who came out to our classroom.
by Hannah, 6th class